September 16, 2015
I would like to draw your attention to a page found within the TSM that I believe to be relatively new,  Cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP). This focuses on language proficiency, specifically a conceptual framework of language proficiency as devised by Dr...

TSM is here

August 6, 2015
…and so the TSM (Teacher Support Material) for the new Biology syllabus is now posted on the OCC website:   The purpose of the teacher support material ( 08/08/2014) Welcome to the Biology teacher support material (TSM). The...

ATTL and inquiry based learning

July 20, 2015
Aproaches to Teaching and Learning (ATTL or is it ATL?) represents a progressive and explicit focus from the IB on ensuring the philosophy of the organisation is delivered and experienced within the classroom. It was launched in January 2015 and it is to be hoped that...

TED talks / Google Science awards and the COOLing Earth

July 17, 2015
Biology at the micro level can often feel a conceptual study of processes that have been inferred from abstract data, such as the Kreb’s cycle or DNA replication. The following TED video offers a glimpse into the computer generated visualizations of the...

International Society for Technology in Education / Kahoot

July 3, 2015
As teachers we are constantly put under pressure from the school community to remain current (or ahead of the game) when it comes to implementing technology into our classroom to deliver our biology curriculum. This brings with it many issues and one way to address...