A study of fish stocks

November 27, 2015
Depleted global fish stocks represents a focus for C5: Population ecology. The Gulf of Maine is warming 99% faster than the worlds oceans and is a major contributing factor in the declining cod stocks within that region. Cod is a species adapted to cold water and the...

Adaptations of plants in deserts

November 20, 2015
When we think about plants and how they adapt to deserts what do we think? The video systematically reviews the desert environment and the ways in which plants have found a way to survive such inhospitable climates, together with animals which call it their home....

The falling leaves of Autumn

November 6, 2015
One of the most common questions I am asked when teaching plants is why do the leaves of deciduous trees change colour before they fall off in autumn. To answer that question I have come across this excellent video: [youtube id=”JWva5AaDkXw”] Within...

D.1 Human nutrition – essential nutrients

October 12, 2015
Not all nutrients required by the body, are synthesized by the body. An example of these are the essential and non-essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are those that are not synthezied and are therefore “essential” in our diet. FYI – You do...

Using a simulation for your IA

September 28, 2015
There are several options available to you when conducting your Internal Assessment as part of the Biology diploma. These include: 1.Hands-on experiment 2.Use of database for analysis and modelling 3.Extraction and graphical analysis from a database 4.Simulation...