The Immaculate Reception: December 23, 1972

December 22, 2012
There are still teachers diligently working away in China, for example, but there is some form of holiday for most of us. December 23rd is the 40th anniversary of the most famous mystery in US sports history. Let me set the scene for you: In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,...

Downfall parodies the IB

November 6, 2012
If you type “Hitler fails IB math” you come to one of the most clever parodies of both the IB student and the movie Downfall.  In it, Hitler receives his IB results, clears the room of all but his closest associates and ruminates over his poor...

50th anniversary of the beginning of the Cuban Missile Crisis

October 16, 2012
This is an auspicous date in history as it reflects the beginning of the crisis that is, to the best of our knowledge, the closest that the superpowers ever came to nuclear confrontation. In the United States, the John F. Kennedy Junior library has created a video...

ToK and History

October 6, 2012
At this point in time I think it’s a good reminder that we are supposed to spend 2 hours on how Theory of Knowledge is addressed and explained in our history classes. I find that there is the easy, simply daily support of using ToK terminology and reminding...

AJP Taylor and the Origins of the Second World War

September 12, 2012
After reviewing the text edited by Gordon Martell I to heart his invitation to “let loose a class … on AJP Taylor’s Origins of the Second World War” for the first time in over 10 years. Happily, I found that the book has not aged; it is still a...