I’d like to draws your attention to some useful IB Internet sites.

Firstly, the IB needs visual arts examiners. 2012 may be the last year that examiners actually visit schools, but numbers of students taking visual arts continue to grow, so we still need examiners!

Visit http://www.ibo.org/examiners/assistant_posts/assistantexaminers/visualarts/ for an overview and a list of countries where need is greatest.

There is also a pdf document called “Examiner recruitment policy” available at  http://www.ibo.org/examiners/documents/ExRecruitmentPolicyV1.2.pdf

Secondly, there is a great IB online question and answer site

“IB ANSWERS”  http://ibanswers.ibo.org/app/home/session/L2F2LzEvdGltZS8xMzE1MDM5NzQ1L3NpZC9zb2wxSDhEaw%3D%3D

The DIPLOMA section is http://ibanswers.ibo.org/app/answers/list/p/21

If you want to acquire resources, check out the IB Store News Blog http://blogs.ibo.org/ibstore/

Finally, if you and/or your student think that there may have been a mistake in the marking of last May’s exam, there are now just 12 days left for you to do something about it.

The externally assessed components can be re-marked by a senior examiner.

A request for an EUR (Enquiry Upon Results) must be submitted by the Diploma Programme coordinator  no later than 15 September for May examination sessions, (or 15 March for November examination sessions) – approximately two months after the issue of results).

Please ask the Diploma Programme coordinator in your school for further details about the procedure and the different types of EUR that you may request.

Be aware that the grade can go down through a category 1 enquiry upon results (remark).
