This will begin the first part of a series where I share an example project – in five sections :-

  1. Planning
  2. Research
  3. Development
  4. Manipulative Skills
  5. Evaluation

After I have published these I welcome any comments or questions and then will publish what was given by the external examiner. Note our Design Technology department now asks all students to produce the folio as a PDF document that can easily be printed and shared and any freehand or other drawings scanned and attached to each sheet.

Anyway without further ado – the first section is Planning which has the following criteria:-

Levels/marks Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Defining the problem Formulating a brief or research question Selecting variables or specifications
Complete/2 Identifies a focused problem for a design project or investigation. States a detailed brief or research question that is appropriate to the level of study. Selects and explains appropriate variables or specifications.
Partial/1 Identifies a suitable problem, but lacks detail in the explanation. States a brief or research question, but this is not explained in detail. Selects some appropriate variables or specifications.
Not at all/0 Does not identify a suitable problem or repeats the general aim provided by the teacher. Does not state a brief or research question or the brief or research question is inappropriate. Does not select appropriate variables or specifications.

Please click on the following link to be able to view the section in Scribd – Planning Example Project

Enjoy and remember any questions or thought regarding what this project should receive for the planning section grade is welcome.