The new Case Study 2017:  Wearable Technology – Kita Health Tech (KHT)  is now available for teacher download from the Online Curriculum Center! It is not easy to find. It is located as the very last item under Assessments.

The release of this Case Study 2017 is very well-timed. Students now have sufficient time to focus on gathering information from both secondary research and personal investigations for their May 2017/November 2017 HL Paper 3 examination. It is also a Case Study that is easy for students to relate to because many are already familiar with some wearable technologies and their capabilities already.

There is a wide range of wearable technology suggested in the case study. Some initial searches have resulted in comprehensive charts such as the following produced by Beecham Research.

Beechham 2016-05-31 at 22.21.58


In order to collaborate with other teachers and students in conducting secondary research, please join …

  • the NEW Facebook Group that has been setup. Both ITGS teachers and students who will be involved in preparing for the May 2017 and November 2017 examinations will want to follow the postings to the group and contribute the resources that they find.

Also please be on the lookout for …

  • the NEW wiki page that will be setup on ITGSopedia for the best news articles, resources and videos relating to Case Study 2017.

And search for…

This promises to be a very interesting and enjoyable Case Study with many opportunities for first-hand investigations with wearable technologies.