It looks like next year may be the last time visiting examiners will interview visual arts students.

From 2013 it is anticipated that all schools will be submitting work electronically and examiners will no longer visit.

Many teachers are concerned and want to voice these concerns.

There is a special OCC forum (on electronic folios and the end of visiting examiners) where teachers can  express their opinion of this decision.

Please post your thoughts on this special forum.

To get to the forum, log in to the OCC and use the address list at the top of the visual arts forum page:
OCC / CPEL » Group 6: arts | Groupe 6 : arts | Grupo 6: Artes » Visual arts | Arts visuels | Artes Visuales » Forum For Posting Our View?

Select Group 6: arts | Groupe 6 : arts | Grupo 6: Artes and you will be given a list of all the group six forums,

Select Visual arts consultation forum: electronic submission of coursework
and you’ll be there.

Kielo Savilaakso (Online Curriculum Centre Manager, IB Americas) writes on this forum:

The current system is virtually unchanged since the IB was created in the 1960s.  Both the IB and the art work have moved on since then.  Visual arts is the largest group 6 subject and continues to demonstrate growth each year.  At the same time the media that students can work in have changed significantly:  when the current course was being developed it was not possible to predict the exciting opportunities for creating artwork that would be available to students or the concerns that schools and examiners would raise in the moderation evidence, the candidate record booklet.