Still unsure of your Major Project, last minute worries about what to do and how to establish that constructive discontent. Well you can do yourself no harm and a lot of good by finding some great designs to get you inspired. Where – well the Designs of the Year 2014 Awards have just be announced by the Design Museum.
Some highlights maybe –
- A phone maybe from made from pluggable and detachable blocks to add or take away functionality – a lego phone in many ways? Great video to watch on the site.
- The Oculus Rift – Virtuality headset – maybe a little tricky for a major project inspiration – although thinking through ergomonics and headphone design may be fun…
- Pro Healthy Chair Design for schools – to encourage movement?
Alongside some of the more well known and classic designs including such well known names as Zaha Hadid. Have fun looking through these designs for inspiration…