ITGS (39 total posts)

Twitter banned in Turkey

March 31, 2014
Even though Twitter may not be pulling down marketshare at the moment ( Twitter May Be the Next MySpace), it is one of the main  social media sites for voicing political opposition in times of public dissatisfaction and unrest. Twitter was ‘blocked’ in...

Whatsapp? What’s Up?

February 27, 2014
Facebook is buying Whatsapp for $19,000,000,000. That is a lot of zeros! However, an outcry has come from a range of loyal Whatsapp users and share prices of Facebook fell 4.8% within the first day. Stakeholders are not happy! What are the concerns: Privacy:...

Part 2 – Command Terms In Context

This second part in the series of blogs of preparing for examinations – understanding Command Terms. The Command Terms for ITGS are found on the last two pages of the ITGS Guide as a reference. However, their importance places them as a top priority. All...

Sochi: Winter Olympics 2014 Opening Ceremony

February 8, 2014
For anyone who watched the two and a half hour opening of the 16-day Winter Olympics 2014 in Sochi, they witnessed exactly what the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee promised “the most technologically innovative ceremony ever.” Sochi Games Open as Giant Snowflake...

Emerging Technologies

January 30, 2014
What are the six emerging technologies that will impact your life and learning in the next five years in ? The on-going research on the NMC Horizon Report for Higher Education 2014 Wiki has a wealth of excellent resources to click and browse relating to the future  of...

Chasing a News Item – Google Glass

November 23, 2013
ITGS is a dynamic subject and this is evident in news-breaking stories everyday. News items seem fall into several categories some of which evolve over time. News items can be: one off occurrences that are interesting with an immediate impact but no unexpected long...