Film (32 total posts)

Readying year two students for their Independent study

October 24, 2016 This post is a transcript of a presentation (above) which I made to my own students following feedback on their first attempts in identifying topics and tackling a rationale for...

Exercise exploring film making techniques – Shot selections

February 10, 2015
The following is one in a series of simple exercises to encourage film students thinking about the mechanics of film making, and reflecting on creative choices made by film makers as conscious and intentional. My intention is that these exercises slot into the first...

Identifying generic cues in films

September 14, 2014
This is a table which seeks to set out some of the repertoires of elements (this is a slightly outdated way of studying genre but it works for this exercise) that are evident is three classic genre movies, they are by no means comprehensive but their function is to...

An exercise using The three point lighting system

May 28, 2014
The three point lighting system was/is the standard approach to lighting in Hollywood films (dominated by the needs for consistent lighting of Stars, the main attraction for Hollywood films – see Richard Dyer Stars). While fairly proscriptive the  system a good...

Exploring gender representations in the independent study

April 29, 2014
This post is an attempt to explain how one can approach the subject of representations in reading movie narratives, and to be taken seriously in the independent study. My primary intention is to offer some weight to those of you who might have students interested in...

More scaffolding learning for the independent study

March 10, 2014
Documentary B-roll project B-rolls, according to Wikipedia, are the supplemental or alternative footage intercut with the main shot in an interview or documentary. More often the b-roll is the sole source of visual material and some of the audio material, all held...