Chemistry (305 total posts)

Martin and Synge (2)

June 7, 2012
You may recall my previous two postings in which Synge and Martin received the Nobel prize in 1952 for their work on partition chromatography. These biochemists were involved in separating mixtures of amino acids. Their work revolutionised analytical chemistry....

Martin and Synge

June 6, 2012
If you read my post yesterday you would have found that I would be writing a few articles on Archer John Porter Martin and Richard Laurence Millington Synge. Well the link between the Queen’s diamond Jubilee and these biochemists is that they won the Nobel Prize...

The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee

June 5, 2012
Here in the UK it has been the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee – 60 years on the throne. Us Brits have been celebrating all over the country like only Brits only know how to do – by having street parties. Don’t worry, this article is not going to be...

Water, water, everywhere

June 4, 2012
Regular readers will probably have realised I like writing about water. Especially water found on other places than the earth. I was glancing through New Scientist magazine the other day and came across an article on Triton, one of Neptune’s moons.  And guess...

Olympic Rings – Chemistry Style

May 30, 2012
This news article from the BBC caught my eye the other day. Very topical. It involves the synthesis on ‘Pentacene’ which was first documented back in 2009. I am not sure if the image is copyrighted so I have included a link to the article below:...

It’s water … but not as we know it

May 29, 2012
Think glaciers. Think ice skaters. Think movement. Think water. A thin layer of water allows the glacier to slide or the ice skater to skate. But it may not be water a we know it ….. ….. It is thought that this lubricating water is in fact super dense...