Can a ‘good’ education dispense with Philosophy?

September 6, 2013
Can a ‘good’ education dispense with Philosophy? This question would have been regarded as obsolete until the second half of the 19th century when the study of the ‘humanities’ constituted the very core of European education and the building of the moral and...

Karl Popper’s criterion of Falsifiability

October 21, 2012
Throughout his academic career, Karl Popper (1902-1994) had to defend himself from being branded a ‘positivist’ as he was on an altogether different path from the Vienna ‘logical positivists’ (including Wittgenstein) and their search for a criterion of...

Philosophy and comic books

September 8, 2012
One of the most innovative and thought-provoking aspects of the IB Philosophy examination is the visual stimulus proposed to candidates in the Core theme paper. To invite young minds to look beyond three or four strips of Calvin and Hobbes or Peanuts and get down to...

Global Enlightenment

July 1, 2012
The eighteenth –century Democratic Enlightenment was made possible by the removal of traditional paradigms such as the supreme authority of the Church in matters of religion and the divine right of kings in political matters. This original phase culminated in the...

global enlightenment

Global Enlightenment The eighteenth –century Democratic Enlightenment was made possible by the removal of traditional paradigms such as the supreme authority of the Church in matters of religion and the divine right of kings in political matters. This original phase...