the Berlin Wall would have been 50 today

August 13, 2011
The significance of Berlin is highlighted by its explicit mention in the 20th century world history syllabus – an explanation of how the communists used this to maintain its regime is time well spent for pragmatic reasons. Today is the 40th anniversary of the...

Just another hot July day in the northern hemisphere

July 4, 2011
The month of July has historically hearkened change. The month began with Canada Day; marking the anniversary of the Constitutional Act, Canada was created as a dominion and began its evolution to independence. Three days later the US celebrates its declaration of...

O Canada

July 1, 2011
On July 1 1867 the British government granted Canadians the right to form their own government.  While they would still be tied to the British crown and government in a number of ways, they would have  home rule.  The Dominion of Canada (as it was now called)...

Radical movements

June 15, 2011
It is summer and that always makes me think of how violence tends to occur when it’s hot. The storming of the Bastille immediately comes to mind, and so do the Whisky Rebellion and . Spike Lee’s more modern take on race riots – Do the Right Thing...