What is social bookmarking?

A social bookmarking is the act of using an online service to add, edit, annotate and share bookmarks that have been tagged for webpages and web documents.

The actual technique for social bookmarking using Diigo is presented on Expanding Your Web – Bookmarking DP Sources. So it will be assumed that you have setup your browser for bookmarking.

What should be tagged?

The question is what kinds of sources need to be bookmarked and how? ITGS depends upon news articles that illustrate the various topics in the Guide that related to the ITGS Triangle. News articles normally are tagged with keywords that related to the three strands in the ITGS Triangle.  Consider the article Meet the interactive baby avatar. This news article can be tagged using any combination of tags that you setup for ITGS that are related to the three strands in the ITGS Triangle. Note the use of the tags avatar, people_machines, Autism, distance_learning. Two tags relate to Strand 1 (people_machines) and Strand 2 (distance_learning). The others are tags that relate to the content of the article (avatar, Autism).

Picture 4
















Tagging can also be used for images, diagrams, videos – literally anything relating to ITGS. When you tag you may wish to add the kind of media that was used. For example, consider the TED video Gary Wolf: the quantified self below and the tags that would relate to ITGS.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrAo8oBBFIo’]

Possible tags may  be used to bookmark this video include: ITGS  video  TED   mobile_devices  diagonistic_therapeutic_tools. The tag diagonistic_therapeutic_tools relates directly to Strand 2 and mobile_devices relates to Strand 3.

One last word of caution: tag carefully each item you enter. The reason for tagging is so that resources can be located again and shared with others. Articles and sources that are used in class or as a part of your ITGS studies should be tagged.