On a recent  ECIS  Moodle Librarians forum (Resources -> Referencing and researching tools) uber- Librarian — Katie Day (at UWCSEA East, Singapore)  wrote:

“Nadine Bailey and I have been creating three sets (MLA, APA, Chicago) of 6 referencing posters (Book, Website, Video, Journal Article, Newspaper, Image) to display in the library and in classrooms. ..Here are the MLA ones:


Here are the APA ones:


(Update: Chicago posters are here:


There is a Creative Commons label on them, so feel free to use and modify…

It is important to note these are meant for IB students — acknowledging the IBO requires URLs for all web resources, wants the date accessed if an online resource, and wants all resources listed in the bibliography.   So it’s modified MLA…. and we try to make this clear on the posters…

These posters are meant to supplement our referencing sessions with students, not replace them…”

Katie notes that at UWCSEA East, “MLA is the school standard up through Grade 10.  At the IB level, each department chooses a standard, e.g., APA for Psychology and Science, Chicago for History.”

CC LicenseI’m sharing this information here because these are very useful resources for any IB student or teacher.  Because of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike  license the posters carry, you are free to download them, embed them, print them, and generally share them, as long as you give credit to UWCSEA East (Attribution), and license them the same way (ShareAlike).

“This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. This license is often compared to “copyleft” free and open source software licenses. All new works based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also allow commercial use. This is the license used by Wikipedia, and is recommended for materials that would benefit from incorporating content from Wikipedia and similarly licensed projects.”

I  also want to highlight the agile way this work has been shared. UWCSEA is a Google Apps for Ed school; Library East has a Google+ profile. Click through to admire how the Library maintains its web presence with this tool. The school community can “follow” the library, and the Library can add community members to its circles, and share new posts with them.

UWCSEA East Singapore

Screen Shot

You might be interested in exploring the possibilities of using Goolge+ for your school, library, classroom. This post, 12 Google+ Best Practices for Nonprofits offers advice, too.

UPDATE: The posters are also available for download at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/p17pt48d3x0j68l/AABbCeeGbHV61bxrTz7lFYS7a?dl=0