Over the last few years I have found dropbox.com (I am a PC user) to be a fantastic online resource as the “icloud” that synchronises my school computer with my home one. I have shared photos with family and resources with workshop participants etc. I like “The icloud”.

I was recently told about a great deal that is being offered by Microsoft, presumably for a short time, only that is offering a wopping 25 GB free cloud storage if you sign up to “SkyDrive” .

Go to https://skydrive.live.com/ and register a new account. THEN before you do anything else hit Manage Storage on the left hand side of the screen. It will then offer 7 GB as standard and ask if you would like to upgrade to 25 GB. I thought that a good idea and hit ‘select’.

If your not familiar with the value of the ‘cloud’ I recommend you sign up now and learn later. Its a great resource and a way of synchronising with other computers etc.