Social media is not just great for following your friends, your favourite media stars or simply your favourite cat videos? It can also be great for following designers – and yes as Design Technology IB students following some interesting and innovative designers should be of interest to you. So for a great start to 20 innovative and interesting product designers sharing their thoughts and ideas on Instagram go to this post and follow as many of them as you like!

Marble Door Opener?

Marble Door Opener?

On another note if you fancy some rapid prototyping challenges and you are lucky enough to be in a school with either a 3D printer or a Laser Cutter – then look at these two ingenious designs could you do something as complex and clever?

  • Marble Door Opener – open a door handle with the correct sized marble using this 3D printed clever mechanism?
  • Wooden book puzzle – looks like it was designed for Indiana Jones?