If you have, DO let me know! Among the many books on philosophical themes published last year, Julian Baggini’s opus is an excellent study which is likely to prove a most useful complement to existing resources on the teaching of the Core theme. You may think ‘Oh no! Not another book on the problem of human identity’ except that The Ego Trick. What does it mean to be you?(Granta) combines the seriousness of a philosophical enquiry with the light accessible style associated with its author. Baggini relies on a range of fascinating accounts – as diverse as the views of a Tibetan lama and the full-time academic researcher, part-time hooker, Dr Magnanti – to explore the deepest sources of the self and lift the veil on its most unusual, not to say unconventional, aspects. Baggini is a regular contributor to The Guardian as well as the editor-in-chief of The Philosopher’s Magazine. His RSA talk gives a flavour of the ideas he develops in his most entertaining and stimulating Ego Trick: http://www.thersa.org/events/video/vision-videos/julian-baggini
Have you heard of Baggini?
IBDP Teacher Blogs, Philosophy | February 1, 2012