
Yes, its time!

Gather your files/digital documentation of student work and go to IBIS!

No, not the bird: I mean IBIS: the International Baccalaureate Information System (https://ibis.ibo.org/)


Collect your students’ files, take a deep breath, stay calm, try not to get flustered or exasperated…its UPLOAD time!

Here is your upload overview/guide to enlightenment, with instructions, reminders, advice, file information and dates and deadlines…what more could you want?

*** Don’t be confused when you see two dates (e.g. 20 April/20 October). April is for most ‘May session’ Northern Hemisphere IBDP schools, October is for most DP schools in the Southern Hemisphere.

Predicted grades and internal assessment mark entry

By 20 April/20 October complete the following on IBIS (under the ‘IAPG’ section).

  • Submit the predicted grades on the ‘Predicted grade’ screen. To grade the candidates’ work, refer to the Grade descriptors available on  My IB  programme resource centre. (Refer to the arts subject group grade descriptors.)
  • Enter the student’s mark out of 30, on the ‘Internal assessment (IA) marks’ screen. Then choose the ‘Select the sample’ option in order for IBIS to generate the sample required for moderation.
  • Additional samples of candidate work may be requested for moderation, so keep the eCoursework safe, documenting all exhibitions after the close of session (15 September/15 March), so that if any further material needs to be submitted: this is available.
  • When submitting the requested sample, also enter additional information about the exhibition: the breakdown of marks awarded for each criterion and a short statement that refers to the relevant assessment criteria and supports the final mark. (Comments should justify the marks awarded in a meaningful manner, not simply reiterate the level descriptors. Examiners are looking for information about what the candidate has done in the artwork submitted, and for useful observations about the exhibition, in order to better identify evidence that relates to the assessment criteria.)


When assessing the work refer to the same evidence that is available to the moderator: i.e. the digital, on-screen version of the submitted work (not the ‘real thing’.)


This table provides information about the files submitted for the Exhibition:

*Reference to source material used for the creation of individual art works can also be included in the Curatorial rationale. Bibliographic references are not included in the word count.

The two exhibition photographs (required) please show clear and uninterrupted views of the exhibition, giving an idea of the whole display, including scale, arrangement, presentation, colour, impact. Please – no proud artist, no audience, and also no work by other candidates or any extra art pieces by the candidate that are not part of the work submitted.

Documenting the artworks

  • Apart from electronic, lens-based and screen-based artworks that exist as digital pieces, all artworks should be captured as a still or video image. The maximum size for image files is 5 MB; however, 3 MB is FINE. Large files can just slow download time…
  • Upload the files in the order in which the student wishes them to be seen in the exhibition.
  • Four file slots at SL and eight file slots at HL appear as mandatory, but up to seven artworks at SL and eleven artworks at HL can be submitted.
  • Unlike the PP, there is no prescribed number of art-making forms for the exhibition.
  • In the case of temporary artworks that are digitally documented, the artwork must be the one that was actually displayed in the candidate’s exhibition.

Two additional supporting photographs (optional files)

Uploading two additional supporting photographs for each artwork is optional. No additional data (title, size, medium, text) is required for the additional photographs.

Submission of externally assessed components

The guide uses the term ‘screens’ for both the comparative study and the process portfolio. As stated in the Visual arts guide , the ‘size and format of screens submitted for assessment is not prescribed. Submitted materials are assessed on screen and candidates must ensure that their work is clear and legible when presented in a digital, on-screen format’.


This table provides information about the files submitted for the Process Portfolio:

Process portfolio 13–25 screens 9–18 screens Mandatory PDF 20 MB
  • The PP must be a PDF document and must contain text and still images only (i.e. no embedded video or links to video files). In the case of documenting the creative process for time-based artworks, use screenshots.
  • The work must show that that students have worked in the correct number of art forms required for the level for which they have been entered.
  • The PP screens may include resolved works that are also submitted for part 3: exhibition assessment task, but these should always be clearly labelled to identify them as such, e.g. THIS ARTWORK IS IN MY FINAL EXHIBITION.


This table provides information about the files submitted for the Comparative Study:

  • The comparative study must be a PDF document and must contain text and still images only. (No embedded video or links to video files.) When analysing and comparing time-based artworks, students must use screenshots.
  • Artworks for the comparative study should be chosen by the student and the selection should match all the requirements for the relevant level and match all the assessment criteria.

…And finally


May 2018/
November 2018
SL/HL Submit the predicted grades

Enter the marks for the internally assessed component—exhibition

Via IBIS 20 April 2018/
20 October 2018
May 2018/
November 2018
SL/HL Upload materials for the internally assessed component


Please refer to the “Internal assessment” sections within the Visual arts guide for the formal requirements

IBIS eCoursework upload 20 April 2018/
20 October 2018
May 2018/
November 2018
SL/HL Upload materials for the externally assessed components

Comparative study

Please refer to the Visual arts guide for the formal requirements

Process portfolio

Please refer to the Visual arts guide for the formal requirements

IBIS eCoursework upload 30 April 2018/
30 October 2018