TOK (112 total posts)

2014 TOK blog posts in single consolidated file

January 1, 2015
Would you like to download a pdf of all the posts Theo and I have made here during 2014?  As I pulled this document together, I discovered that we’ve made more than 50 posts…and that the consolidated file runs to 92 pages.  Clearly, we like blogging!...

Doing good is good for you: Ethics and the Human Sciences, TOK and CAS

December 21, 2014
(re-post from December 16, 2013 blog. It’s so appropriate for this time of year!) Is there really anything newsworthy about the value of doing good to others?  So much has been said over so many centuries that surely current psychological research cannot add...

Electrocution and Marriage Rates: Correlation or Cause?

December 10, 2014
The comic charts on the website Spurious Correlations are already familiar to many TOK teachers. But if you’ve missed this resource till now, you won’t want to miss it any longer. Did you know that the number of people who died by becoming tangled in their bedsheets...

Who’s an “Indian”?: classification and implications

December 1, 2014
Who’s indigenous? And does it matter? These are significant questions, with significant answers. They are relevant to TOK both through the new area of knowledge, indigenous knowledge, and an old area of knowledge, ethics – as well as to all the ways of knowing...

Poppies and remembrance: symbolism and perspectives

November 11, 2014
Controversy again over poppies and remembrance – or in TOK terms, over symbolism and shared knowledge! In Britain, a headscarf with a poppy pattern has been sold to Muslim women to “raise awareness about the 400,000 Muslims, most of them Indian, who fought alongside...