Living near London it’s difficult to escape the constant barrage of sports-hype and the competitive obsession with who has ‘earned’ what colour medal, pumped out 24/7 by the news media.

However, there have been some creative artistic responses, and as a spectacle it certainly has the potential to inspire/provoke a variety of student art: in fact I have already seen students attending the Art Summer School currently run by my school produce a series of strong and creative images (some basing their ideas on their experiences visiting the games as spectators).

Here are some other responses…

2012 Olympic games: Graffiti Street Artist – South Bank – Brick Lane


Brazil comes to the UK | Rio Artist Occupation London


“London officials threaten to erase Banksy’s ‘Olympic’ street art (with poll)”

Read more:

Paul Kenton has created some large scale artworks – see link to YouTube video

London 2012 Olympic Games Paintings By Paul Kenton

In terms of ‘official’ Olympic art there is, of course, the Orbit tower

Youtube videos and the Olympic Orbit tower 

Topping out


Stunning new artwork for Olympic Park


The ArcelorMittal Orbit
