(Don’t you love acronyms?)

I lead DP visual arts workshops, both online and face-to-face, and just before Christmas finished my last visual arts workshop of 2017.

It was a category 1 and these are invariable full, packed and busy—so much to cover, so little time to do it in!

As ever it was a lively and enjoyable workshop, but a couple of things sometimes seem to get pushed to the back of the line and possibly overlooked—visual arts coursework authenticationreflection on the extended essay planning and progress form and the EE cover sheet.

All relevant information about these two items is available on ‘My IB‘, of course, although a number of teachers were experiencing some difficulties signing up to this, so here is some information.

(I let participants know about this blog, so hopefully, if there are still any questions about either, this post will help.)



First, remember that this is completed by you the teacher, not by your students, and only applies to two components: the Comparative study and the Exhibition.

Forms for all?

The form is completed for each candidate whose work is part of the IA sample (uploaded along with their exhibition work) and is intended to confirm the authenticity of the work being submitted. (However, it’s possible that the IB request that the forms for other candidates are also submitted, so it makes sense to complete the form for all your students.)

Decisive Points

  • The comments are based on three ‘decisive points’ during the creation of the coursework.
  • The discussions (‘interactions’ in IB-speak) can just be informal conversations or more formal meetings, but either way you will summarise key outcomes.
  • If you want you can discuss each of the assessment tasks during the same meeting, alternatively have dedicated meetings for each task.

Focus of sessions

Each of the three text boxes has a specific focus:

1. Inquiry (as the candidate outlines the scope of the work)

2. Action (as the work is in development)

3. Reflection (as the work is nearing completion)




This form acts as a record supporting the authenticity of the work, is mostly completed by the student, and is a reflection on planning and progress, and discussions with the supervisor.

Focus of 3 sessions

There should be three formal reflection sessions between student and supervisor:

1. The first session should focus on the student’s initial ideas and how he/she plans to undertake the research

2. the interim reflection session is once a significant amount of research has been completed

3. the final session will be in the form of a viva voce (interview/discussion) once the EE has been completed and handed in.

  • The three reflections combined must amount to no more than 500 words
  • the completion of the form is an EE requirement
  • the form must be submitted together with the completed EE for assessment under Criterion E.


The EE supervisor has three reflection sessions with each candidate, one early on in the process, an interim meeting and then the final viva voce. After each reflection session candidates must record their reflections. The supervisor signs and dates this form.

(Other discussions etc not need to be recorded on this sheet.)




This is the EE Cover Sheet: the Supervisor comments on

  • the candidate’s performance
  • the context in which the candidate undertook the research
  • any difficulties encountered
  • how these were overcome.

(The concluding interview may provide useful information.)

Further instructions:

These comments can help the examiner award a level for criterion K (holistic judgement). Do not comment on any adverse personal circumstances that may have affected the candidate. If the amount of time spent with the candidate was zero, you must explain this, in particular how it was then possible to authenticate the essay as the candidate’s own work. Please avoid using the candidate’s name in the comment to ensure anonymity for assessment purposes.



Artworks by Luna and Samantha, thank you!