I am sure that many of you have had a chance to look at the subject guide report since it last came out, but now that you are close to entering your next academic year it is good to reflect on the key points raised in the report.
Below are three key areas I have identified for each assessment task.
Independent Project Portfolio (IPP)
- In the Portfolio there needs to be evidence of SKILL development. For example, if the student is writing a play they need to show evidence of learning and applying the skills that are required for writing for the theatre.
- Teachers need to be aware that during the course they need to teach students skills that can be applied to specific areas of theatre production, so they are aware of how to research and apply these skills in practice. For example in the areas of design, directing, writing and acting.
- Before students start their creative process (the project) it helps if they can outline in their mind, and in the portfolio, a specific list of skills they will need to learn and apply in the process. Throughout the portfolio there is then evidence of this learning and application of skills.
Practical Performance Portfolio (PPP)
- When writing about the subtleties and effects of particular production elements in performance, then description of stage happenings (selected moments in the performance of their piece), should be provided by students if they want to get into the top marking bands.
- When THEORY and RESEARCH are to be applied in the performance, then there needs to be evidence of this in section 2, not just in section 3. It needs to be clear to the reader how this research or theory impacts the production in practical terms.
- Any theory and research needs to be applied to performance and style not just to plot, so this needs to be clear in sections 2 and 3.
Research Investigation (RI)
- During the course teachers need to facilitate more research so that students are clear HOW to do this and how to identify and critique sources.
- When focusing on acting in an RI, students must be careful not to analyze characters and should instead explain how THEORY is applied when performing this character.
- If images are needed in the RI then these must be in colour (if colours I referred to) and large enough to show detail.
Theatre Performance and Production Presentation (TPPP)
- During the time allotted students need to make reference to individual and group work, and identify a variety of roles they have played in the production of theatre.
- In the presentation students can refer to ANY theatrical experience they have had during the time of the course. This can include plays they have seen, articles and plays they have read, people they have spoken to etc, anything that relates to them as developing theatre practitioners. Their experiences do not need to be confined to the taught core curriculum.
- The student needs to outline how any research or theatre in the world practice mentioned in the presentation, was applied or tested in relation to their own work and experience.