Screencasting is not only for teachers. It is a valuable learning and assessment tool as well.
Excellent examples of students “being the teacher”. Some of the technologies are still relevant as described in the previous blog to both PCs and Macs. However, the new Quicktime on the Macintosh does allow for the instant recording of screencasts. The focus of these examples is on the types of screencasts that students make rather than the process involved in creating screencasts.
Students as Digital Teachers
- Students explaining math processes on Screencasts Turn Students into the Digital Teacher with videos on MathTrain.tvand How Kids Teach Kids About Math.
- Minecraft as a modeling tool has unleased a wide range of possibilities for creating student screencasts (see Middle School – Minecraft in the Classroom).
Student-created Tutorials
The S.A.I.N.T. HelpDesk Squad members have created a wiki to communicate and collaborate with each other and share resources and information to benefit the staff and students of many elementary schools in Wisconsin. Many of the help desk presentations use web 2.0 tools and screencasts.
Student Web 2.0 Help Desk i.e. how to use Sketchfu or Dabbleboard and many other tools on the site.
Student-created screencasts for assessment
At times teachers choose to create screencasts to explain the marking of a piece of work. However, in this example student created assessments using screencasting.
Student screencast examples – “anyone lived in a pretty how town”